Tag Archives: ceramics

Analysing and visualising the ceramiscene of Roman Nepi

Ulla Rajala (University of Cambridge) Philip Mills (University of Leicester) This paper builds on the theoretical tools labelled the ‘ceramiscene’ in Mills and Rajala (2011a). This is a means of characterising a ceramic landscape utilising a hierarchical version of the … Continue reading

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Vessel visualisation: innovative computer applications for ceramicists

Donald Horne (Cambridge Archaeology Unit) This poster presents the results of photogrammetry as a tool for visualising pots three dimensionally. Traditional forms of illustration are effective at communicating certain kinds of information about pottery, particularly with regard to the form … Continue reading

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Vessel volumes: innovative computer applications for ceramicists

Vicki Herring (Cambridge Archaeology Unit) This poster presents an innovative approach to calculating vessel volumes using 3D software packages, a process not currently common within the commercial sector. It offers an overview of these approaches, and demonstrates their potential to … Continue reading

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