The CAAUK conference is centred on quantitative methods and computer applications in heritage.
Friday, November 22nd The conference will kick off with registration from 12:30 to 13:00, followed by a welcome and housekeeping session with sessions from 13:15 to 17:00. The day will conclude with a walk to Daphne Oram for a wine reception at 17:00.
Saturday, November 23rd The second day will commence at 09:30 with Session sessions running until 13:30.
Please note that there is only in-person tickets available, with options for standard and concession pricing. While there is no formal definition for concession tickets, if you require one, we encourage you to purchase it based on your financial situation. If you find yourself unable to afford any tickets, please reach out to us directly.
No questions will be asked of those opting for concession or free tickets. For more detials of the schedule see:
The Call for Papers has just been extended, and we invite you to share your research at the CAAUK 2024 Conference, held at Canterbury Christ Church University on 22nd-23rd November 2024!
We invite the submission of papers and posters related to the general topics of quantitative methods and computer applications in archaeology heritage. This is your chance to showcase your work!
Masters Students – Presenting your Master’s thesis or dissertation? You’re eligible for our £100 award! Be sure to flag your submission when submitting your abstract.
Submission Details:
Presentation Length: Speakers will have a maximum of 20 minutes.
Submit: Email your title and a 300-word abstract to by the new extended deadline of 23rd September 2024.
The organisers of CAA-UK 2024 would like to invite papers and posters for the 2024 meeting, to be held at Canterbury Christ Church University, on the 22nd-23rd November, 2024.
We would like to invite the submission of papers and posters related to the general topics of quantitative methods and computer applications in archaeology heritage. The use of quantitative methods and computer applications in heritage is an ever-changing discipline, with new software becoming available and new processes being created every day.
Speakers will be allocated a maximum of 20 minutes for presentations.
There is a Masters award of £100 for those presenting their Masters’ Thesis/Dissertation. If you would like to be considered for the award please flag when sending your Abstract.
Any questions, email us at
The CAAUK conference focuses on quantitative methods and computer applications in heritage.
The first day of the conference (November 24th) will be concurrent sessions of presentations, the CAAUK AGM, a workshop and evening social, at the Augustine United Church (41 George IV Bridge, EH1 1EL). Sessions will start around 9:30 and go till about 5, with an AGM and social afterwards. The second day will be an excursion (to the Castle, Museum of Fire and National Museum) and no presentations/workshops, etc. and not at the church (lunch is provided at the Museum of Fire). Here is the preliminary schedule (subject to change) and abstracts:
There are remote tickets and in-person tickets, normal and concession. There is no definition for concession tickets. If you need to have a concession ticket, purchase that ticket. You will know better than us what you can afford. If you can’t afford any tickets, please get in contact:
No questions are asked of those taking concession or free tickets.
NOTE- In-person ticket sales end on Monday November 20th – this is for catering reasons. Online Tickets will close on the 23rd.
All full conference tickets include a year of CAAUK membership fees – £5. Lunch and drinks/light food at the social are included for the in-person tickets.
Please add the excursion ticket if you wish to attend the excursions (the Castle and National Museum).
Fees help cover the rental of the venue, a year of CAAUK membership, the excursions, food (a hot meal), streaming costs for remote attendees, drinks and bursaries for those that can’t afford it. These are the lowest the fees have been in over a decade. They are normally £55 and £35.
If you want to bring a partner, friend, etc. to the social there is a specific ticket for them, for £5.
For catering we need final numbers before the conference so ticket sales will end on November 20th.
Thanks to the following supporters of the conference:
Castle_Rock_Edinburgh by Scglossop1, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The organisers of CAA-UK 2023 would like to invite papers and posters for the 2023 meeting, to be held in Edinburgh AND Online, at Augustine United Church, 41-43 George IV Bridge, EH1 1EL, on the 24th-25th November, 2023.
We would like to invite the submission of papers and posters related to the general topics of quantitative methods and computer applications in heritage. The use of quantitative methods and computer applications in heritage is an ever-changing discipline, with new software becoming available and new processes being created every day and possible topics of presentation could include:
Data management
Geophysics & Remote sensing
GIS & Geospatial Analysis
Integration of scientific and theoretical methods in computing
Photogrammetry & 3D Recording
Public Engagement
Semantic web
Social media
Statistical methods
3D modelling
Mixed Reality
Website/app development
Please note that this list is not exhaustive and we will consider submissions on any relevant topics.
A paper can be given in-person or remotely. Note – for remote presentations a recording of the presentation needs to be send one week before the conference. This is in case their are any problems on the day.
Speakers will be allocated a maximum of 20 minutes for presentations. Call Closed
Masters Award
There is a Masters award of £100 for those presenting their Masters’ Thesis/Dissertation. Postgraduates are encourage to apply
Any questions, email us at
These rates are preliminary, we hope we can lower them. Who can apply for concession rates? Anyone, we do not have a criteria. You pay what you can afford, if that is the full rate, pay that, if you can’t, pay the concession rate.
FREE – for those in need or willing to volunteer there are free tickets to the Conference. For travel/accommodation see bursaries below.
£50 Normal
£25 Concession
£25 Normal
£10 Concession
Bursaries for Travel, Accommodation and Conference fees
ScARF Bursaries will be available for students/ECR working/researching on Scottish materials/topics, includes membership in the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. We also hope to be able to offer other support.
The 2021 CAA-UK conference is now open for registration. Running across the 10th and 11th of December, this online conference will be hosted on Zoom and registration will be made available via Eventbrite. As with last years conference, the registration fee for this year will be free, but participants will be asked to pay an optional £5 membership fee.
Run over two half days, this years conference theme was an open call for papers which has resulted in a fascinating variety of speakers. The first day will see a range of papers presented, while the second day will host a discussion panel as well as a series of papers from a short list of submissions being considered for the first CAA-UK Post Graduate Award. In addition to all of this we have have two brilliant key note speakers in the form of Thomas Flynn, Cultural Heritage Lead for Sketchfab, and Dr Chiara Bonacchi, Senior Lecturer leading in Digital Heritage at the University of Stirling.
The full timetable for is now available to view as well as the full list of abstracts.
The CAA UK committee have opened the call for papers for the 2021 online conference. The 2021 CAA UK conference will be held across two half days in December (10th – 11th) and this year’s theme is an open call. We encourage proposals for 20 minute papers as well as discussion panels around recent themes and research within computational applications and quantitative methods in archaeology. Please send a suggested title and a short abstract (250 words) through to the Chair, Lawrence Shaw (, by 17th October 2021.
This year’s conference will be a repeat of that seen in 2020, with the event hosted across Zoom rather than in person. In addition to this, the committee are pleased to announce the introduction of the new CAA-UK Post Graduate Award. This award looks to acknowledge postgraduate research undertaken at Masters level and will present a £100 prize to one researcher. To be eligible, participants must submit a paper proposal for the conference which covers their masters research theme and inform the committee that they wish to be considered for the award. Submitted proposals that are accepted for consideration will be judged by the CAA-UK committee members across the conference and the winner will be announced shortly after the final paper. For more information about the award or if you have any questions, please contact one of the committee members.
Finally, the CAA-UK committee are also looking to expand and appoint a new general committee member. This will bring the committee up to four members and it is hoped that this individual may take on management of the CAA UK web pages. If you wish to be considered for this role, please email the CAA-UK secretary stating you wish to be considered and provide a covering statement. For more information about this role or if you have any questions, please contact our secretary Victoria Donnelly (
The conference program is now available for download.
Due to 2020 being a particularly challenging year we will be holding a EGM rather than a AGM during the conference this year. The constitution states at AGM agendas should be available 21 days before it takes place. As this was not possible this year please find the agenda downloadable here. If members have an concerns about this process please contact the Chair.
Minutes from the 2019 AGM in Bournemouth are also available from here.
The theme of the event is “Equality, Diversity and Accessibility”. Papers were invited for presentations that engage or align with this theme in relation to computational approaches to archaeology, and how we examine and present the past.
The conference is free to attend this year and will be hosted online. Tickets are available from here
The conference program is now available to download