Call for candidates for the position of CAA-UK Chair

The current chair of CAA-UK will be stepping down in October 2019 after three and half years in post.

James has served the first term of his office and has decided not to run for a second term. As an Executive steering member for CAA-International he believes that others should come forward so that that they can be given the opportunity to become more involved within the CAA community.

The UK Chapter of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) therefore invites CAA-UK members to apply for this UK steering committee position.

Candidates must be CAA-UK members and applications by all CAA-UK members will be considered. With recent changes in the CAA-International constitution, one member of the CAA-UK committee must be a member of CAA-International. Generally this will fall to the Chair, who will then become an ex-officio member of the CAA-International Steering Group for the annual CAA-International conference.

The tasks associated with this post vary but are briefly outlined below.


The Chair has input into and oversees all CAA-UK business and when appropriate has the final say in decision making. The Chair presides over the UK AGM and the UK Steering Committee meetings and represents the organisation to the outside world when appropriate. This overall view benefits from having experience of all aspects of CAA practices and business including conference, paper and session organisation, abstract and paper reviewing, publication, and bursary donations. The Chair, along with the other CAA-UK committee members will also work closely with each local organising committee to see that an annual CAA-UK conference is held, is well organised and is well attended.

Each candidate will be invited to give a maximum of a two minute speech at the AGM to outline why they should be considered for this post. (Postal votes are accepted for any CAA-UK member who cannot make the CAA-UK AGM and candidate details will be posted online.)

Candidates interested in applying for this post should send a short motivational statement and a CV to the CAA-UK secretary before the 1st October 2019. Candidates are invited to get in touch with the current Chair (James Miles) to find out more about the responsibilities and duties.

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